Child Support Bullet Guide (Part 11): Support Agreements and Mediation
Welcome back to another section of this child support bullet point guide. These compact guides offer information about complex issues like child support in an easy-to-consume format. Although you can find plenty of in-depth information elsewhere on this site, you might find these guides more accessible if you’re looking for quick tips on your divorce case.
This particular section of the guide covers the issues involved with making decisions using mediation as an alternative to standard litigation. The guide will also cover things like support agreements, and how they’re managed by the courts.
If you have any queries about the topics covered in this guide, remember to check out the other blog posts published by Mr. Shapiro on this site.
Addressing Child Support Issues with Mediation
Divorcing parents have a lot to consider when it comes to bringing an end to their marriage. Unlike couples without children, there are various decisions parents have to make about the support given to a child, and who a child should live with after the marriage ends. Some couples will leave the decisions made about child custody and spousal support in the hands of the court. Others prefer to suggest their ideal scenarios during mediation.
Divorce mediators like Mr. Shapiro can work with clients to address child support concerns during mediation. During these sessions, the couple may attempt to decide how much child support a custodial parent needs to look after a child correctly. With Mr. Shapiro’s help, you can discuss your options in a safe and objective space and deliver your suggestions to the court in a properly drafted agreement.
Mediation sessions between parents going through a divorce, or for the separation of a couple with children will discuss various aspects of child support. You may talk about how long a parent should expect to pay for support, and how expense can be added onto basic guideline amounts for regular payments.
During divorce mediation sessions, Mr. Shapiro always recommends that the parties both use a review attorney. This ensures that each person can discuss their legal needs with a professional who has their best interests in mind at all times. The review attorney can ensure that the parent always has the best interests of the child in mind too.
Mediation agreements can be drafted following mediation sessions, to present the court with the ideas the two parties came up with about support and custody guidelines. This often makes it easier for the course to sign off on cases without requesting a court appearance.
Will Courts Accept Mediation Agreements?
Crucially, the courts are not required to accept the agreements made by parents for child support and custody and turn them into orders. Instead, the courts are under an obligation to consider all the facts of the case, and make sure that the best interests of the child are served at all times. If the courts do accept the agreement as being in the best interests of a child, this can reduce the strain on all parties involved, and eliminate the demand for court appearances.
Even if the agreement suggested by two parties in a divorce involving child support decisions follows guideline formulas available for child support, the courts will need to thoroughly assess the situation before an order is approved. The courts need to ensure that the child is protected during these cases.
Couples going through a standard divorce can draft and submit uncontested papers, and usually get approval from their local Supreme Court. Ultimately, the courts will have the last say over what happens when children are involved in a case. You may still need to attend course with an attorney after going through mediation with Mr. Shapiro.
Getting approval for agreements made about child support and similar issues in mediation can be difficult, it’s often more complicated for unmarried couples. Fortunately, having an agreement that’s properly drafted by a professional like Mr. Shapiro does improve your chances of success.
Though it takes time to sort through child support considerations during mediation, many of Mr. Shapiro’s clients have said that the process is more appealing than having to rely on the courts to make the right decision on their behalf. Courts may maintain the final say over a child custody case, but mediation agreements allow you to make suggestions.
Is Mediation Helpful for Child Support?
Mediation is often a useful tool in divorce cases, and when dealing with issues between parents who aren’t married but need to separate. Mediation gives couples an opportunity to discuss what might happen after their relationship ends, and ensure that the children are properly cared for going forward. Many people also find this route less painful than using litigation.
Mr. Shapiro often acts as a neutral objective party during mediation sessions for child support in a divorce or legal separation. Many couples have found the process helpful in the past, and believe it saves them both time, and money on managing their divorce.
Though many people certainly benefit from mediation, it’s not going to be the go-to choice for every couple. Some couples simply can’t talk about their options in an amicable way during mediation and need to leave the issue in the hands of the court.
If you believe that mediation may be a good solution for your needs, you might find that having the right support makes it much easier for you to accomplish your goals. You can work with Darren Shapiro as a mediator, or as a review attorney when you already have a mediator that both you and your partner agree on.
If you would like to learn more about the issues addressed above, you can get in touch with Mr. Shapiro’s office to discuss your case and arrange a thirty-minute consultation. Contact is available through the website online form, or over the phone at 516-333-6555.
Darren Shapiro did an outstanding job with case he was hired for. His price was reasonable and his actions were effective in this case. I would hire this Lawyer again and highly recommend his services.
Darren was excellent in court and able to negotiate a fair settlement in my Child support case.
Hands down, he is the best att'y I have ever dealt with. He is thorough, objective, and above all, extremely dedicated.
Fill out the contact form or call us at (516) 333-6555 to schedule your free consultation.
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