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Divorce Mediation


Darren M. Shapiro, Esq. is an effective mediator, matrimonial and family law attorney. As a mediator, he draws upon his years of experience in his practice as a divorce attorney. This can aid couples to break down barriers and make agreements that work. Through mediation at this office, couples are empowered to make settlements that make sense for them and stand the test of time.

As a mediator, Darren acts as a neutral third party to get couples to “Yes”. In the mediation, Darren is not the lawyer for either side. Since he is also a divorce and family lawyer, he will make sure that everything that needs to be covered to settle your divorce, matrimonial or family law issues is covered. Settlements are drafted with the goal to be able to withstand the scrutiny of a court.

Couples that are interested in mediation are invited to come to our office in Long Island for a half hour no fee consultation. We will cover the mediation process, the issues that need to be settled in a mediation, and how a divorce or a binding agreement can be finalized once all the issues are settled. After the consultation, if everyone is ready to get started, couples can jump right into their mediation and start making agreements.

This office believes in allowing each side equal time to speak their minds if someone wants to be heard. People come to the mediation knowing how they want to handle some, most, or even all of their issues. In that case the mediation can be completed rather quickly, sometimes even in one session.

Our goal is to get couples through the process as quickly as possible, but we will spend as much time as needed. Darren is a patient listener. He will remind people, however, if certain topics are not productive in formulating an agreement. We are not in a rush but understand that you want to get peace and move on with your life as soon as possible.

Some topics are easier to agree upon than others. If we reach an impasse, we can try different techniques to try to resolve it. Other areas of the entire agreement can be looked at to see if concessions could be made to meet other goals. Sometimes, we discover that the resources need to be allocated differently to meet everyone’s needs. Taking a break from a topic and coming back to it can lead to solutions.

The mediator can relay the different ways certain subjects are commonly dealt with. If both parties want to hear the law on the topic, or how a court could decide it, Darren can relay what he has seen through this practice. A lot of the issues, though, are subjective. The results may vary from case to case or from courtroom to courtroom. If the couple wants to hear about it, Darren can intimate when the topic is a subjective family law matter.

For couples that want a prenuptial agreement or decide that they wish to separate or divorce, if both parties are willing, mediation is a sensible alternative. The mediation process is a non-adversarial method to come to an agreement facilitated by a trained mediator. Couples can avoid the high conflict that often accompanies litigation by using mediation.

In most cases a mediated matter will be resolved quicker and cost substantially less than litigation. The process involves meeting with your spouse and the mediator to discuss and resolve the issues that need to be settled. Topics are agreed upon, that should be included in a document to be used as a binding contract for your pre-nuptial agreement, post-nuptial agreement, legal separation or divorce.

A mediator is a neutral third party that does not advocate for either side in the process. Rather, he is there to aid in the putting together of the agreement. Compliance with mediated settlements is high since the parties craft an agreement that makes sense for them, their children, and their specific family circumstances.

Darren M. Shapiro is an experienced matrimonial and family law attorney that completed mediation training with the Center for Mediation and Training in New York City. Call to schedule a half hour, free, in office consultation for you and your spouse, partner or other parent.


Divorce and Separation

Client Reviews

Darren Shapiro did an outstanding job with case he was hired for. His price was reasonable and his actions were effective in this case. I would hire this Lawyer again and highly recommend his services.


Darren was excellent in court and able to negotiate a fair settlement in my Child support case.


Hands down, he is the best att'y I have ever dealt with. He is thorough, objective, and above all, extremely dedicated.


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